First off, I don't need PETA all over me...I don't hate on you for wanting to save the snakes so don't hate on me for wanting to skin them. As you might have assumed I HATE snakes and lizards and am terrified of them as well. Having been bit twice in the last 6 months by a copperhead I feel I am entitled to that hatred. I don't mean jump and scream terrified... I mean throw up and cry, possible phobia! I HATE THEM. Well, the other evening as I was finishing my shower when I noticed one of those little inch/ two inch long clear little ghecko things run across my bathroom wall. I lost it. My first response was to run. Which is unusual because my normal flight/ fight reaction is fight however I just ran. Pantless...down my hallway. I dunno where I was going? Perhaps to Charlie's room to save the girls? Ya know, to save them from the big bad two inch godzilla lizard? I got to her door and realized I had ran and proceeded to run BACK to my ba...