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Showing posts from June, 2017

Fail Proof Slime

While summer time means endless days of water, and outside fun...we do (yes even in Texas) have our rainy summer afternoons, or (especially in Texas) have some days just too hot to be outside...and as any mom knows, those days can drive ya crazy fast! We found this awesome slime recipe, and it kept the girls thoroughly entertained. Here is the quick and easy " how to", and at the bottom I provided a list of the pros and cons I found with it. This was also a great activity to work on measuring, counting, coloring mixing, following steps, and then we used the slime to make letters and numbers. Fun and educational is always a plus during the summer. Between steps 3 and 4 you can also add in glitter, or essential oils to take your slime up a notch. Lavender would be an awesome oil to incorporate for a nice soothing, calming addition to this sensory activity. Ingredients: 3 (4oz) Bottles of liquid glue ( we went with Elmer's glue but I would t...

Worldly Woes for Christian Women

This post won't be a very popular one, and that is ok; the truth usually is not that popular... After attending my church's "All In " women's conference   in April, I have repeatedly been brought back to Isaiah chapter 3. Mary Kassian spoke on a segment at the conference entitled Sending out an S.O.S. In which she discussed how applicable this specific chapter and situation is to today's society. What I am discussing here is a mixture of her lecture, and my own understanding of the information. Specifically I want to touch on her portion entitled the " Woes for Women".   We are facing these very woes addressed in Isaiah today, and God is warning us what happens when we don't head His S.O.S for us. Ladies I feel now more than ever, we are at war for our womanhood. Not the "girl power" " I am alpha woman" garbage we are fed via media, and the world trends, but the true role of woman as God designed us. Female and male ...

Surviving Summer : Essential Oils

Summer is one of my favorite seasons! Grilling out, traveling, soaking up the sun and water; paired with slower paced schedules and lots of family time, what couldn't you love?! ( well besides maybe sunburns, mosquito bites, car rides with crazy kiddos and....) yes I know the summer comes with other pests BUT good news! I have some simple remedies for that.  We love our Young Living Essential Oils , and these are some of my favorite oils for summer. This list is pretty short and sweet, if you want more information or to purchase any oils, or the premium starter kit just refer to the information at the bottom of this post. Summer Oil Essentials: Lavender : off sleep schedule?... too much sun soaked up? ...stand a little too close to the campfire or grill? Have no fear Lavender oil is here!! ( it is also a great way to fancy up your lemonade), and the swiss army knife of oils! *Pro tip* we use a few drops of lavender mixed with coconut oil as a nice post sun rub d...